6 Tips For Visiting the Coast Guard Festival

Today’s guest blogger Kristen Reendeers from Grand Haven shares some tips and tricks for visitors attending the 90th Annual Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival.
I’ve lived in Grand Haven for a little over 21 years, and I have learned some very handy tips and tricks while going to the Coast Guard Festival. If this is your first year or your 10th – here are some helpful insider tips and reminders to keep in mind at this year’s festival.
#1 – Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated downtown will make your day so much more enjoyable. You never want to be caught out in that hot Michigan sun without a drink of water. I would recommend bringing a water bottle with you to the festival. There are multiple drinking fountains located around the city that make it easy to fill up throughout the day.
#2 – Don’t Forget Sunscreen
Get out that SPF and lather up! Sunburn is never fun, so make sure to apply your sunscreen generously every day of the festival, even if it’s overcast. This will help ensure everyone stays happy throughout the week.
#3 – Stay Fully Charged
Make sure you charge you cell phone fully before going downtown Grand Haven. The Coast Guard Festival is always a fun time and a great opportunity to take pictures with family or friends. Not only will you want your phone charged for photo-ops, but this is the easiest way to keep in touch. In past years, festival attendees have had trouble using their cell phones during crowded times. However, this year thanks to to WiFi hotspots, communicating via cell phones will be easier than ever!
#4 – WalkAbout App
This year, the festival is trying a new helpful smartphone app called WalkAbout. WalkAbout can help remind you what events are happening that day, provide interactive map showing ATMS, bathrooms, shuttles, parking and much more. This app will be especially helpful for first time festival-goers, but will help keep anyone of any age organized and updated. Even as a Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival regular, I am excited to try this! Get the app here: http://www.walkaboutapp.com/ghcg15
#5 – Comfy Shoes
Comfortable shoes are a must! Besides the trolley, walking is just about the only way to get around the festival. Parking can be limited on some days, making walking the best way to see and do what everything you want to.
#6 – Beat the Parking
Parking is tough at all types of festivals, including the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival. There are two parking suggestions I have learned over the years going downtown Grand Haven. The first suggestion I would make, after being unsuccessful with finding parking, is to search for an organization or homeowner who charges a $5 fee at their downtown parking spots. This is quick, easy and normally relatively close! The second suggestion is to park a couple of blocks away from downtown and wear those comfy shoes you packed and walk a couple blocks.
What tips and tricks would you add to the list? Let us know if the comments section below!
{Guest Blogger Bio}
Kristen Reenders
Kristen Reenders was born and raised in Grand Haven Michigan and graduated from Grand Haven High School in 2012. Now a senior at Central Michigan and a marketing intern for the Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival, she will graduate next spring as a double major in Marketing and Logistics.
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