5 Reasons to Check Out Castle Grande

Castle Grande is an annual event, where the infamous Sand Fanatics teach sand lovers how to sculpt sand and build the LARGEST sand castle Grand Haven has ever seen. This year the goal is to make the castle 9 feet tall! Castle Grande is welcome to all ages. If you want to learn how to sculpt sand or perfect your technique, this event is for you! Come out to the City Beach on Saturday, June 18th from 10am-4pm, and enjoy the world of sand sculpting.
#1 – Help build the LARGEST sand castle Grand Haven has ever seen!
This year, with the help of the infamous Sand Fanatics, Castle Grande will attempt to build the largest sand castle ever built in Grand Haven. The castle will reach 7-8 feet!
#2 – It’s FREE!
Castle Grande is a free event that takes place Saturday, June 18th at the Grand Haven City Beach from 9am-3pm. Don’t forget to bring your shovels, buckets, and sunscreen!
#3 – Learn how to sand sculpt!
Get tips from the Sand Fanatics experts on how to make the perfect sand sculpture.
#4 – Build your own Sand Castle
While learning how to sculpt, you get to build your very own sand castle!
#5 – Fun for the entire family
Castle Grande is family fun for all ages – We welcome anyone who wants to have some fun in the sun!
Come out and enjoy the beautiful weather, while sculpting the sandcastle of your dreams! If you have any questions about the event, please contact the Chamber of Commerce at cgeurink@grandhavenchamber.org or find us on the web at grandhavenchamber.org/castle-grande.
{Guest Blogger Bio}
Kathleen Deardorff
Kathleen was the Event Intern for The Chamber of Commerce Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Ferrysburg. She visited Grand Haven for the summer from California and loved her time here! She is currently attending school at CSU Chico and aspires to earn her degree in Event Planning.
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