Posts Tagged “Lake Michigan”

Chinese Travel Writers Visit Grand Haven

Posted on June 22nd, 2016 by Margaret Ardell

A group of six Chinese travel writers and bloggers made their way across the Mitten State this week with Pure Michigan to experience what the state has to offer Chinese travelers. One of their stops along the way was Grand Haven! After a four hour long bus ride from their stop in Northern Michigan, ourRead More

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8 Amazing Drone Videos of Grand Haven

Posted on March 16th, 2016 by Margaret Ardell

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a drone! Ever imagined what Grand Haven looks like from a birds eye point of view? Some may say it is even more stunning than from the ground. Get ready to fly through every season here in Grand Haven; we’ve gathered what we think are some of theRead More

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Grand Haven is a USA Today ‘Best Freshwater Beach’ Nominee!

Posted on February 15th, 2016 by Margaret Ardell

USA Today has rounded up 20 nominees for Best Freshwater Beach in their 10Best Readers’ Choice contest – and Grand Haven State Park has been selected as a finalist! Voting is open now, and ends Monday, March 14th, 2016 at 11:59am EDT. That allows four weeks to vote for Grand Haven State Park as one of the 10 Best Freshwater Beaches inRead More

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Winter Wonderland Fan Photos | 2016

Posted on January 22nd, 2016 by Margaret Ardell

Grand Haven undergoes a drastic transformation when Winter strikes – and is it ever magical. The remnants of Fall fade away while ice and snow fill its place, and everything comes to a peaceful standstill. Lake Michigan takes on new forms as ice, and an abundance of white fluffy snow covers rooftops, streets, and trees. Our socialRead More

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Top 30 Photos of 2015

Posted on December 30th, 2015 by Margaret Ardell

It has been a great year filled with amazing photos shared with us by our fans and beyond! Countless photos have been shared with us in 2015 – each fantastic and beautiful in their own way. Having photos and videos of the Grand Haven area shared with us is one of the favorite parts ofRead More

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November Storm Fan Photos | 2015

Posted on November 16th, 2015 by Margaret Ardell

We’ve had a pretty mild Fall so far here in the Grand Haven area especially compared to last November where we saw several inches of snow. That all changed early last week when local forecasters called for up to 60 mph winds and ‘Monster’ 15 to 20 foot waves for Thursday and Friday. Whoa. InRead More

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