Posts Tagged “Farmers Market”

Power of Produce Kids #POP

Posted on July 2nd, 2015 by Margaret Ardell

Eating healthy seems to be the biggest trend lately. Farmers Markets are becoming more and more popular these days especially in the West Michigan area. Not only is it important for adults to make healthy food decisions but also it is important for kids in order to maintain their health.  Jenna Deardorff, the events internRead More

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6 Reasons Why I Am Smitten With the Mitten

Posted on May 27th, 2015 by Margaret Ardell

Hi, I’m Kristina! I am a Media and Marketing intern here at the Grand Haven Area Convention and Visitors Bureau. I work closely with the VisitGrandHaven social media accounts and as well as creating blog posts for I am looking forward to learning new information about the city of Grand Haven and what itRead More

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