DePersia South Highlands Nature Preserve

Posted on August 9th, 2020 by insideout

Offers a small pocket of natural beauty along the Lake Michigan shoreline.

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Windsnest Park

Posted on August 2nd, 2020 by Margaret Ardell

This picturesque beach and park is West Olive’s best kept secret. Located down Olive Shores on Margaret Ave off of Lakeshore Drive about 10 miles south of Grand Haven.

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Grand Haven City Beach

Posted on August 2nd, 2020 by insideout

The  Grand Haven City Beach is nestled between The Noto’s At The Bilmar, a beachfront restaurant, and Grand Haven State Park beach on Harbor Drive. Limited free parking is available. Restrooms available. No fees or passes required. This  sandy large beach front is perfect for families and dog lovers ( see below for details) 

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Escanaba Park

Posted on April 20th, 2020 by insideout

There is so much history to this small piece of land that is now called Escanaba Park. Revetment work in 1857 formed what became known as the “Government Pond” or “Government Basin”. These first revetment diggings were placed to narrow and improve the channel, as well as halt the erosion at the bend in the river, known as “The Lower Diggings”.  However, Commander of the Coast Guard ( 1930- 1933) had a different vision for this waste land in the city of Grand Haven.

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Mulligan’s Hollow Ski Bowl

Posted on October 9th, 2014 by insideout

Downhill ski and boarding park located near downtown Grand Haven

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Grand River Park

Posted on October 9th, 2014 by insideout

Upland woods, floodplain forest, restored native grasslands, wetlands and a small lake are some of the features of this 162 acre park along the banks of the Grand River.

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Grand Haven
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